
The 10 Critical Competency Treatment

Our core service

EFFECTUATORS developed the 10 Critical Competencies as a treatment system that can be applied to all businesses and individuals who want to maximise and fast-track their financial success.

In the past it's been possible to create and sustain a business just by producing and delivering an average, okay or "me-too" product or service in your industry, that people want to buy.

But, in today's globalised hyper-competitive markets, being an expert at "What You Make / Sell" - to Discover, Unlock, Increase Your Competitive Advantage -is just 1 of the 10 Critical Competencies required to manage and grow a successful business that lasts.

Every business failure can be attributed to deficiency in 1 or more of these 10 Critical Competencies

Have you optimised and addressed each competency?

Mishandling any one of the 10 Critical Competencies can "king-hit" you from behind at any time, causing severe material losses. EFFECTUATORShave developed the expertise to optimise the application and management of each of the 10 Critical Competencies in your business, minimising your financial risk.

Each competency module contains the winning formulas distilled from 30 years of hands-on experience and practised expertise that EFFECTUATORS will apply to yourbusiness to bypass mistakes and fast-track success. With over 100,000 hours across the 10 Critical Competencies (10,000 per competency), you can feel confidentyou're in good hands with your EFFECTUATORS partner.