

LEMS was created to prepare organisations for the imminent Expertise Revolution

The Real Future of Law

In his book Tomorrow's Lawyers, leading law futurist Richard Susskind proposed that will be necessary in the legal sector.

Can you afford to have this many experts working on each legal job or project?

"How will I find the experts to fill these 8 valid roles (functions)?" "How will I achieve all these 8 functions with fewer resources, for less cost?"

LEMS uses the latest Expertise Management technology -

expertential incorporates innovative technology that converges everything you need to complete jobs expertly and efficiently, for 1/2 the cost. EFFECTUATORS will instruct you on its optimal implementation for the legal profession in our LEMS Custom Diagnosis & Start-up Session.

Convergence: 7 roles become 1 with expertential

Legal Knowledge Engineer
Legal Management Consultant
Legal Hybrid
Legal Risk Manager
Legal Technologist
Legal Process Analyst
Legal Project Manager

Reduce costs by through converging:

Legal Practitioner using expertential EMS
(LEMS software)

* 8. Online Dispute Resolution can be addressed using existing technology, but is predominantly a court policy decision

Reduce costs by through converging:

Legal Practitioner using expertential EMS
(LEMS software)

* 8. Online Dispute Resolution can be addressed using existing technology, but is predominantly a court policy decision

LEMS addresses 4 biggest causes of increasing inefficiency and costs

LEMS is able to deliver such incredible results by directly addressing and overcoming the 4 biggest causes of increasing inefficiency and costs for inhouse legal teams and managers:

As the inventors of expertential, EFFECTUATORS are experts at rapidly implementing the software in any department, as well as training high-performing teams to get the most out of the technology.

EFFECTUATORS can effectively communicate the enormous advantages that expertential provides to inhouse legal teams, including phenomenal efficiency and personal performance improvements, to facilitate a seamless and enthusiastic workflow transition.